what is a patreon supporter

Patreon is a membership platform that makes it easy for creators to get paid. We use cookies to improve your experience using this site. Patreon ist eine Crowdfunding-Plattform, die sich von den klassischen Konkurrenten in diesem Feld unterscheidet. Hier können Sie die Mitgliedschaft nun final beenden. KingdomMan. We make videos with tips and tricks for camping, travel and modifying your gear. Top Patreon : Most Popular + Biggest + Highest Paid + Successful Basically, if you create anything, you can make a Patreon page and invite people to make a monetary contribution to your work. My goal is to give to all the subscribers the best experience possible and also thanks to your support I'll be able to create … This type of creator-fan relationship is nothing new. Choosing a Patreon plan. Patreon lets … They can often make small regular payments, rather than having to fork out a considerable sum at once to purchase one of their preferred creator's works. $10. Rewards for readers include early-access to specific types of content and some beautiful swag targeted to supporters of Canadian tech. Patreon Creators Statistics Graphs, statistics, and analysis of Patreon Creators. It'll take 12% of your monthly income . Jebbrey's Jibberish Patreon. Rank True Crime Obsessed Patreon Podcasts Rank Jan '22 Sep '21 May '22 1 Zoom 1m 3m 6m YTD 1y All Graphtreon.com. Welcome to Jebbrey's Jibberish Patreon page. Anchor Listener Support. For direct support, you can submit a question via the website or Twitter, and Patreon will respond via email from Monday-Friday, 9 AM-6 PM PST. Patreon, like Kickstarter, allows people to pledge money to support a large project. In five years, online membership service Patreon has attracted two million patrons supporting 100,000 ‘creators’ to the tune of $350m – including nearly … Patreon

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