When renowned Nigerian Islamic scholars converged on the Mount of Arafat and Plains of Muna in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, they set aside their differences … scholars He completed his Ph.D. in Islamic Theology in 1994 from the University of Wales. - (The library of perenniel philosophy, Spiritual masters - East & West series). Indeed in our current day, Christian missionaries are working harder than ever to try and win over Muslim converts, so therefore I thought it would be helpful to point out the top 10 tricks that these missionaries apply to try and trick the Muslim over to their side. In its quest to ensure peace, harmony, and tranquility in Nigeria, some Islamic scholars have commenced three days fasting and prayers for national unity in the country. 2 These ethnic groups spread across the three main geographical units in the country, namely, the north, the west, and the east. 10 most affordable private universities in Nigeria. Five of the Most Influential (Contemporary) African … Alhikmah University is one of the cheapest private universities that has been accredited by the Nigerian University Commission (NUC). Have you all got your copy of the Quran? Introduction to Islamic Banking and Finance: Principles
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