should statues be removed pros and cons

Customizable. Keep reading for all the pros and cons of removing Confederate statues. This Confederate memorabilia is just part of the "Lost Cause" myth perpetuated by CSA General Jubal Early a generation after Appomattox - appealing to heroism fighting against hopeless odds to defend "the southern way of life" (whatever that is). He asked why there are no statues of Adolf Hitler in Berlin. 3. Rather, they are everything that’s wrong with America — and when we remove them, we’ll not be “rewriting” history but rather, “re-righting” it. Gravel is also difficult to disintegrate. The principal legacy of Confederate statues is white supremacy and slavery. On one hand, I think it isn't great that people are pretty much just laser-focusing on the fact that Jefferson owned slaves, even though it was extremely common for the time, and there was literally a law for a significant portion of Virginia's existence, where Jefferson was from, that made it illegal to set slaves free. A fixed bridge is bonded or cemented into place — only a dentist can remove it. In Memphis, one City Council member drew up a law to remove the statue of Confederate officer and Ku Klux Klan An overview of U.S. cities that have removed or debated removing confederate statues and/or renaming streets or buildings. This topic is currently very controversial within the Yellowstone area and consists of different pros and cons for each side. PRO The common symbols used are monuments, statues, and flags. However, this scenario is different from the Charlottesville one. People in Taiwan are asking for the removal of these monuments in an effort to be viewed as independent from China. We’re not rewriting history, but rather restoring blacks to their rightful place, the place God assigned them. Arguments for why Confederate statues should not be removed include pointing out the dark sides of other celebrated American heroes, like Washington and Jefferson, as well as the politicization of the statues when there are more important problems. These monuments are a one sided view of history. 5/23/2022 -. Should Confederate statues stay or go

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