seer xander fanfiction

Species: human/Seer Abilities . "Don't you Look Cordelia me!". Tenhawk Presents :: mrmiklos The Scooby Gang filed into Cordelia Chase's house. Quizzes Stories People Fiction Fanfiction Nonfiction Tests Surveys Groups. The young man wasn't especially comfortable in Lorne's presence, but the worry took precedence over feelings regarding the demons around here. Index of Fanfiction by Lizbeth Marcs. There are few harder things in the world to do than argue with someone who you agree with completely. 6 A.M. I'm tempted to curse, but I don't think it will do me any good. Seeing Beyond Imperfections by Melissa Fifteen years on, Xander has become the Seer for the slayers in America and discovers that even though Spike has been dead all this time, he has been anything but gone. On screen, the man and the demon circled each other cautiously. There are monsters, mages and templars everywhere, some fleeing, some fighting the monsters, and so many are screaming. Willow Rosenburg and Tara McClay. Xander began laughing before speaking, "Well I guess things balance out a bit of good news for a bit of bad. The Xander Zone - EverySixSeconds Comments: 802. Part 3 of The Messenger, The Toy, . Xander got a visual of Angel dressed in nothing but a red bra with matching panties. Angel/Xander fic. Here is a small collection of Fun & Funny Joan & Randy fics to do with the memory loss episode; Tabula Rasa. "Well pet, Angel came to town to tell everyone his little seer saw you being turned and everyone being killed, he doesn't know you've been turned, but pet it's only a matter of time," Spike answered still worried. Whisper (Status: Complete) Xander, Buffy, Willow, Anya, Spike; PG-13; Gen — A demon is stalking the streets of Sunnydale and driving the residents into horrific public displays of suicide. Xander initially had as well, but glowered darkly at nothing in particular when his best friend's giggle erupted into malicious laughter. TtH • Story • Harry Potter and the Renascent Seer A Charmed Slayer part 2 - BuffyL's Fanfiction - Webs Word count: 74170; Read Count: 15923; Completed: Yes. She would kill for him, he would die for her. Crossover with The Sentinel. Graduation Day, Part Two Cordelia Chase was a servant of the Powers That Be. Xander as vamp scares seer dru too much #FicSearch Ael040120 I always tought Xander being a some sort seer would awesome. She wasn't only a werewolf but a seer with dragon blood. "As you said, Buffy's retired. I know, how lame is that! "Well pet, Angel came to town to tell everyone his little seer saw you being turned and everyone being killed, he doesn't know you've been turned, but pet it's only a matter of time," Spike answered still worried. Cassidy is the 5 year girlfriend to Xander McCormick. Well, that was the most fun you can have without having any fun.." - Cordelia after the battle against Mayor Wilkins. 516 13 1. Hey Im new to the archieve, i was wondering if anyone know where a fic is. Fanfic: The Son Of Phoebe Halliwell Ch 1, Charmed | FanFiction

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