The refcursor is giving the output after executing dynamic query in which the actual table name and the column names can differ in each call of the function. It uses an interface that defines an argument and return type of function, as we have stated in the function’s syntax. Basically the data is metadata about tables and based on the selections at application side the data is selected from dynamic queries and returned. F.38.1. A user-defined table function, in contrast, is implemented using either return next, to return the next explicitly computed row, or return query, to return the entire result set of a select statement. F.38.1. In an INSERT, the data available to RETURNING is the row as it was inserted. Hello, I have created one function which create dynamically pivot table .Now I want to return that table from function. The following example illustrates the idea. PostgreSQL . The following example illustrates the syntax of select into a statement. Also a prepared query can be repeateadly executed with different parameters, and cannot return a different structure across executions. Stored procedures and functions can access resources that the SP/function owner has rights to but the caller doesn't. This variant is implemented in the dynamic_pivot() function below. The following example illustrates the syntax of select into a statement. So to fetch data, you can use a separate FETCH statements for each cursor. How to use RETURNS TABLE with an existing table in PostgreSQL? PostgreSQL SQL Tricks select select_listname into variable_name from table_name; How to write a function that returns undefined or dynamic records? Given below is the example to create, modify and drop a function: Example #1: Create PostgreSQL function. and returning the results back to a variable defined in the calling. Postgresql For Loop + Examples A CREATE FUNCTION command is defined in the SQL standard. The PostgreSQL implementation can be used in a compatible way but has many extensions. Conversely, the SQL standard specifies a number of optional features that are not implemented in PostgreSQL. The following are important compatibility issues: This means you either won't be able to use privileged objects at all, or you … Example 2: Using Multiple String in generating Dynamic SQL. Postgres Dynamic Return dynamically created table from function - PostgreSQL … In a prior article Use of Out and InOut Parameters we demonstrated how to use OUT parameters and INOUT parameters to return a set of records from a PostgreSQL function. Examples of PostgreSQL Functions. It would be impossible to guarantee that property if a function could independantly and dynamically decide what structure it … I anticipate that I will use a temporary table or something in the function, but basically I want to return the results of a select. In a prior article Use of Out and InOut Parameters we demonstrated how to use OUT parameters and INOUT parameters to return a set of records from a PostgreSQL function.
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