munich population density

Estimates for the impact … By 2025, the population is expected to start decreasing slightly. This web page has numbers for population density in many countries So we see that Manhattan Island is considerably greater in population density than the … munich population density Germany: München (Boroughs and Quarters) - Population … Population density and area, large TL2 and small TL3 regions. 20-60% off sitewide with code YOURTHING. Munich 2024 1,585,000 New: Updated with 2019 numbers. Approximately 1.5 million people live here, 9% of these are 75 years and older . Germany has only four cities with a population of more than one million, Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Cologne. We added up each place of residence an individual has been living in during the first 15 years of their life and multiplying it by the years they lived in the respective place. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Population: 13.1 million State capital: Munich Surface area: 70,552 km2 Gross domestic product in € million(2019): 632,897 (2nd place) Gross domestic product per capita (2019): 48,323 (3rd place) Unique: Home to Bayern Munich – Germany’s best football club.

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