So although in reality you may well be quite tough and capable, make a point of showing this girl your more vulnerable side. Virgo Man - Cancer Woman Compatibility: Match Made The Bottom Line. ACT A LITTLE BIT HELPLESS. Virgo Moon Compatibility November 25th, 2021. Work-from-home positions are ideal for a Mars in Cancer woman. As a matter of fact, his highest priority is all those who live with him at home. What Attracts a Pisces Man to a Cancer Woman in Cancer Meaning: Ambition, Sexuality, Personality Cancer men tend to be more naturally intuitive and sensitive than most men. This match is one for the record books! He’s a traditional guy that wants to settle down with a woman who can help him create a beautiful, loving home and raise a family together. Cancer Moon Sign Man. attracted For women, the Moon in Pisces will have you longing to find love and a partner, more than ever before. What Moon Sign Compatibility Can Tell You About Under the same circumstance while Aries explodes, the Cancer man folds into himself and it takes very little to hurt him. SHARES. She is a hopeless romantic and firmly believes in the idea of soul mates. She needs to be sure that you are the right one and until she believes that you are THE ONE 100%, she will keep you hanging. Born with an innate mother instinct and nurturing nature, Cancer woman is considered as a caring and warm partner. The Moon rules the Cancer woman, and her moods wax and wane like the lunar cycle. Which Sun sign is attracted to Aries woman- Explained