All of my contexts and … Navigate to the Kubernetes Explorer. I tried setting the proxy for intellij, but still not able to work" We did do … Kubernetes Explorer we are behind company's firewall. Kubernetes - IntelliJ IDEs Plugin | Marketplace I am trying link to my kubernetes cluster or GKE/EKS cluster, sometimes I … Kubernetes and Docker Updates in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 Implement intellij-kubernetes with how-to, Q&A, fixes, code snippets. IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1: Kubernetes support | The IntelliJ IDEA … Accessing the Kubernetes Explorer F or ea si er ma n a g emen t of Ku b ern etes resou rces, y ou ca n u se th e Ku b ern etes ex p l orer, a ccessi b l e f rom th e si de p a n el on th e ri g h t. Al tern a ti v el y, i t ca n b e a ccessed u si n g Tools > Clou d Code > Ku b e r n e te s > Vie w Clu ste r Exp lor e r . Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Languages & Frameworks | Kubernetes. Click and either select a local CRD file or specify a URL. Then click OK. Use and to rearrange the list of CRD files. This defines the priority for conflicting definitions: IntelliJ IDEA will use the lowest one if it is defined in more than one file. The view has stale data, and forcing a refresh does not change it. Select the pod … File/directory - the local file or directory of your application running on Kubernetes. Kubernetes Explorer does not show right contexts #2866 intellij Required plugin: Kubernetes Kubernetes is a container orchestration engine for the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Install and enable the Kubernetes plugin for IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate to add the following features for managing your Kubernetes cluster: Coding assistance for Kubernetes resource configuration files.