"I hope this email finds you well.". Alternatively, "Thank you, I hope so too" could be a response . Enjoy your vacation to the fullest. irréprochable, d'une senteur fraîche et d'une hygiène pa rfaite pendant vos vacances. iOS users - Discord has classified our server as NSFW. Current Location. If you see *'I hope hope you had a great holidays', then rest assured that this is incorrect. 4 . France. I hope you make tons of memories to last a lifetime. re a ll managing okay during this crazy time of year and remember feeling goo d to enjoy the holidays is w hat's important; not the small stuff that. This has been a successful year for me, and I hope that you have enjoyed it as much as I have. volumeOutline. Dear boss, I wish you a great vacation with your family. Hope you have enjoyed it/ Hope you enjoyed it - WordReference Forums PDF I hope each of you enjoyed the holidays and are off to a great start in ... 50 Happy Holidays and Happy New Year Wishes - Quotes Muse https://discord.gg/SPv4zENE. I hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend. 18 Ways to Say 'Hope You're Doing Well' in an Email or Text Jan 9, 2015. Santa Tell Me - Ariana Grande. i hope you enjoyed your stay with us. Stay safe. N ous vous souhaitons des vacances magnifiques et nous nous réjouissons à votre venue. You are the key to the success of our team, and I am so grateful for your guidance this past year. heartOutline. This vacation is a great opportunity for you to take a break from your stressful life. 10 Other Ways to Say "I hope this email finds you well" Waiting to see you soon. 你好,您好 | hope you had a great holiday. ]. Get app. Enjoy every moment. Wishing you a great Easter. 休日(きゅうじつ)楽(たの)しんで! I hope you enjoyed your holidays! (casual and formal) は 日本語 で何と言いますか?