Telegram lets scammers connect directly with potential victims by way ... The job is too good to be true. Telegram channel "Lista Scammer Italia" — @listascamsitalia — TGStat Moreover, anybody can report a scammer just by forwarding the scam message to the bot. it gives phone numbers or requests that we contact them on the Telegram app before even an interview. [RESOLVED] Scam Report against RichTheKid | 200$ | BreachForums Scammer reportedly bilks from woman $20,000 posing as Worcester broker Long story: A few weeks ago, I decided to buy cryptocurrency. Poor use of the English language with multiple typos and grammatical errors in the job advertisement or text messages. Scammer contacts you (they are very friendly, polite and professional) with a job offer and initiates an online interview through email . Before you start your report, make sure all the information or evidence you have is at hand and readily available. Telegram groups can hold up to 200,000 members. So the exchange offers a public verification tool to check whether websites, phone numbers, emails, Telegram and WeChat handles are actually affiliated with Binance. Bitcoin is the future of world currency and businesses, many has fallen victims to scammers while some can't even access there bitcoin Wallet due to either the fact they have clicked a phishing link or have given out there 12 word phrase or the other, good news with and their forensic team it is Assured when it comes to recovery of stolen and scammed bitcoins, ethereum and . It will open a drop-down menu. Then you can see the profile of the user. You can also block individual users to prevent them from sending you messages at all under the same menu. The victim had received a message on Telegram about a part-time job offer. Scam #2: Malware. Telegram keeps your messages safe from hacker attacks. Scammers can use the Telegram mobile messaging app to connect with a potential victim if they already have their phone number in their contact list. How to Secure Your Telegram Account and Protect it from Hackers