how to copy and paste in solidworks assembly

Check the top level file back into the vault. Can you copy and paste a sketch in Solidworks? How do you copy and paste in Solidworks? In the FeatureManager design tree, select the feature to copy. Copy the file that you would like to reference. Now all the entities are free from the plane reference. If I open an assembly, insert the cube, delete it, then run the macro, it inserts the cube. Ctrl + V to Paste. Wondering how to copy a surface in SOLIDWORKS? copy paste from autocad to solidworks - Autodesk Community Even if it's a different file, the process is still the same. All of this can be done in the assembly window. Select a plane or a planar face, then paste away. CTRL+C and CTRL+V make things nice . To move, copy, rotate, or mate a solid or surface body: Click Move/Copy Bodies (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Move/Copy. If I open an assembly, insert all the parts, delete them, then run the macro, it inserts all the parts (but not the assembly made up of two of them). Parent topic Sketch Options Related tasks Moving or Copying Sketch Entities Launch the SolidWorks Explorer application (located in the SolidWorks program group) Within SolidWorks Explorer do the following: Click on the File menu Select Open from the menu Navigate to the location of the newly copied file (s) Select a file to rename/update in the dialog box * Click on Open in the dialog box Now, jumping back to our original part file, I can go ahead and do a "save as.". If that works for you then select all objects with the one with the weld modifier last and go into the object menu and link modifiers. See more at: how to copy and paste features in SOLIDWORKS. This last option is to "save as copy and open.". modeling - Solidworks to Blender - keeping assembly structure ... In the context menu, click Paste Appearance . Show activity on this post. Then in the browser right click on the sketch you would like to copy and select the copy option. In the FeatureManager design tree, select the feature to copy. answers: 5 View or Reply Use your SOLIDWORKS ID or 3DEXPERIENCE ID to log in.

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