Jasiri and her clan assist the Lion Guard in thwarting Scar's attacks. Kion is the main protagonist of the show, The Lion Guard. 4/3/2018 c1 Queen Guinevere Also Kion is more likely to be with Fuli than Jasiri even tho they r both just friends I think he's more closer with Fuli. *ahem* Involve diplomacy with the hyena clan as they try to reintegrate back into the Pride Lands, including *ahem* frequent, extensive and often private "negotiations" with the hyena matriarch. In the meanwhile Limushi's true intentions came up. Janja | Villains Wiki | Fandom Jasiri's face after Bunga tackled Janja. Jasiri's clan assists Kion in fighting them off. 9/30/2017 in Lion Guard Discussion. Jasiri (Swahili for 'be daring', 'dare', 'risk' or 'brave') is a young spotted hyena who appears in the Disney Junior series The Lion Guard. "Well, I better get back to my territory." she said. Jasiri: Sisi Ni Sawa means we're the same. Empires shall rise. It is the second television series to be based on The Lion . At the end of the series, he retired from being the leader of the lion guard and became king of the Tree of Life upon his marriage to Rani. in: The Lion Guard Characters, Heroines, Protagonist, and 14 more. Jasiri is made with soft deluxe fabrics and is the perfect size to bring with you on every wild adventure! She is not like the other Outlander Hyenas because she is much more nicer and helped Kion out of the Outlands when he got lost in them. Source: Brittany Allies (Foxy012) lionking0. Said Kion. And we will know something more about Bimuri's past. Musics :1 - Ice Flow by Kevin McLeod2 - TLG: Return of the Roar Part 1 opening song She is the queen of the Outlands and the leader of a clan of hyenas in the Outlands. This is just for fun, so don't be offended by the results. She says I can trust her. Jasiri and Janja are back. Tickled In The OutLands! by FeetAndPaws2017 on DeviantArt Results are Kion, Bunga, Fuli, Ono, Beshte, and Anga, in no particular order. She is a friend of Kion who believes that hyenas and lions are alike in many ways, and wants them to be at peace wit one another. The cub wandered about, eventually ending up in the Pridelands. Jasiri agrees. The Lion King Comics. Janja is a friendly hyena and an ally of The Lion Guard.
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