Magazine: 30. Generation Zero - Command Bunker Locations. Generation Zero Cheat Codes - Trainers City Generation Zero | Open-World Action Game In accordance with established counter-intelligence military protocol, knowledge of their location was strictly compartmentalized. Where is the power in the bunker at the airfield? :: Generation Zero ... #1 Of course, I got chased by. According to the intel you gathered, there should be a Command Bunker with the code name "Sorken".Locate and reclaim it to interact Sorken Command Bunker: -444, -1385; Marden Command Bunker: 2037, -1230; Vesslan command Bunker . Vesslan command Bunker: 1572, 3848. Posted by 2 years ago. Created Jun 7, 2018. Close. Rate of Fire: 10. Bunker Locations for Generation Zero Home / Playstation 4 / Cheats & Hints Questions Videos Developer: Avalanche Studios Publisher: Thq Nordic Genre: Action Adventure Release: Mar 26, 2019 Platform: Playstation 4 ESRB: Teen Hints & Secrets Bunker Locations If a command bunker doesn't have a safe house then it doesn't have a warboard. Skvaden Command Bunker: -1520, -3302. Generation Zero - Safe House Location - GuideOui Bunker Locations - Generation Zero Cheats and Hints & Secrets for Xbox One You can Craft this to any Jacket. . Generation Zero Safehouse Map - Bunker Locations. Generation Zero Cheat Codes - Trainers City Similar Posts: If you bring up the Map, you'll see at the bottom right corner the name of the region where you're currently in. Generation Zero - Bunker Locations Guide. According to the intel you gathered, there should be a Command Bunker with the code name "Sorken".