Where 'www' is the desired width of the video you want. You have to manually set the SAR value to 1:1 to make the players display it in the way you want. However, this do... change the aspect ratio (video)? : ffmpeg - reddit In FFmpeg, if you want to scale a video while retaining its aspect ratio, you need to set either one of the height or width parameter and set the other parameter to -1. Aspect ratio change of 16:9 and 1920x1080 resolution file : ffmpeg If you are converting videos in portrait and landscape orientations with different aspect ratios, you can use the force_original_aspect_ratio option: scale=w=100:h=200:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease You can chose to decrease or increase the video size output based on aspect ratio changing the force_original_aspect_ratio … Pad the video so that it fits in the 700:400 space. In some cases, FFmpeg will set the Sample Aspect Ratio to compensate for the ratio change. You have to manually set the SAR value to 1:1 to make the players display it in the way you want. For example: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=320:240,setsar=1:1 output.mp4 ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=480:-1 output.mp4 Here, your resized video will have a resolution of 480 x 320. works great until you will encounter error. I've used this code successfully for year without any trouble (example here crops off 64px): ffmpeg -i in.avi -y -pix_fmt yuv420p -an -qscale 1 -vcodec libx264 -vf crop=in_w:in_h-64:0:64 out.mp4. Simply, scale it back to 4:3 and set a unit aspect ratio. It will change the resolution of your video from 1920 X 1080 pixels to 640 X 360 pixels. There is bound to be a few compression losses during the scaling process. If the input resolution is too low, FFmpeg offers a neat trick to prevent upscaling. In the command line above, the minimum width/height to perform scaling is set to 320 and 240 pixels respectively. r/ffmpeg. $ ffmpeg -i input-file.mp4 -vf scale=300:200 output-file.mp4 Resize to given width or height. ffmpeg - Convert a video to a fixed screen size by cropping and ... If you want to stretch, or “unstretch”, the image, you need to override the information with the setdar or setsar filters . important, pixel aspect ratio. To install ffmpeg: 1. sudo apt install ffmpeg. Using FFmpeg to scale or change the resolution of a video is done by the scale filter in FFmpeg. To use the scale filter, use the following command – where, $w and $h denote the required width and height of the destination video. For example, you could use -vf scale=640:480 to resize your video to 480p. That’s it! The above answers are great, but most of them assume specific video dimensions and don't operate on a generic aspect ratio. For example, if have a 512x288 (16:9) video file. FFmpeg uses a scale filter in resizing. Par exemple, je veux préciser, pour la vidéo de sortie seulement de la largeur de 100px et ffmpeg doit calculer automatiquement la hauteur avec le bon … For first video it will be: 200/100=2. Scaling filter provided by FFmpeg can be used for doing that. Example in which we'll use the input video width ( iw) to crop the top right 100x100 pixels section of a video. 1. ffmpeg modify the resolution of the video file - Programmer All