chest pain 2 months after quitting smoking

Chest pain after quitting smoking? : stopsmoking - reddit chest and back muscles after open heart surgery I Gave up Smoking Six Weeks Ago. When Do I Start Feeling Good, … If the pain is persistent, and you are still coughing after 3 months, make sure to have your chest looked at by a doctor to rule out cancer. There are many, many negative effects of smoking, with heart problems and cancer right at the top. If you are having any chest pain due to the fact you have quit smoking you should see your doctor immediately. Nicotine Replacement Therapy Smoking raises the risk of developing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or acid reflux, which can cause a burning feeling in your chest when you swallow. However any chest pain in smokers—past or current should immediately be investigated. My Doctor can't see anything wrong with my throat. smokers After quitting smoking, airway inflammation diminishes, improving disease symptoms and leading to fewer lung infections 2. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms may occur just 30 minutes after a person has had his or her last cigarette.

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